Friday, February 27, 2009

Forever Summer


Epiphany: (def. 2) the manifestation of a supernatural being.

I experienced an epiphany the day my daughter was born. Monday morning at 8:14 AM, my entire world changed. The pure joy and elation of being a father in that moment left me utterly speechless. To have experienced life up until that moment, I would have said I was content. But upon the arrival of Summer, a world opened up to me that was never before seen.

Like looking into the same wardrobe that left Narnia exposed, I was in the presence of something simply mind blowing. A someone, but one of my own creation, had changed me forever. From the moment I watched her supernova explode into the world of the mundane, the sunset itself down in that room and filled me like never before. I felt a warmth that had never previously been experienced.

To float on cloud nine has always been my goal. But with her presence I realize that is her that made me whole. Winter turned to Summer that day and spoke aloud, "Will you let the sunshine through, is it allowed?" Her birth to me was nothing less than miraculous and quite profound, and her spirit is free to roam my heart free and unabound. I love her like she wants and like needs me to. We named her Summer because she is what the seasons drew. I love her hi and low, over and under. I know that in my heart it's always sunny... it is forever Summer.

Mommy and Daddy love you.


  1. She is so beautiful and she looks just like you! I'm so happy for you. Congrats

  2. I haven't spoken to you personally yet but I told Shelli I believe you both are going to be wonderful parents to your beautiful daughter! Congrats!!
